The Birth Of Kunie
Mariana and Felipe were one of my very first birth clients back when I was portfolio building for births. Unfortunately, after a hospital transfer I wasn't able to be there for the moment their first daughter, Kaiya was born. I was however, delighted to find out they were expecting again, and even more delighted to be able to finally capture this precious moment for them.
Mariana laboured beautifully, staying upright for as long as she could, breathing calmly over the bed and often holding on tightly to Felipe who was never far away. Except for when he needed to make phone calls to check in on the friends they had caring for Kaiya that is. She took a moment to also labour on the toilet, which if you didn't know is actually a perfect position to also help bring baby down! As the contractions got longer and stronger, Mariana moved to the pool where, in no time at all, her body naturally had her starting to push and she was able to bring her little girl earth side.
As you'll be able to see, seeing his little girl arrive, was a very emotional moment for Felipe which I feel so privileged to have been able to capture. Both Felipe and Mariana are also from Brazil, so a video call to announce Kunie's arrival to Mariana's parents whom are back home in Brazil and likely won't be able to visit for a very long time due to Covid, was just as special to capture.
Kunie was actually born en caul, her face only emerging from behind the bag of waters once Mariana had her whole head out, even though Mariana's waters had broken earlier that day. Once Mariana got out of the bath and we looked at her placenta we were able to see the hole where her waters had broken earlier in the day while still allowing Kunie to be birthed en caul.
What a magical birth to capture. Thank you again Mariana and Felipe for letting me share such a precious and intimate moment of your lives.